Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Checkout my new template!!

looking much more innocent n siuman right? itulah yg diperkatakan oleh kwn2 aku td.hahaha yela di saat2 akhir pregnancy ini aku perlu mula membiasakan diri menjadi seorang yg lebih siuman, bersopan santun n motherlyhood. so xla shock sgt korang ble aku da ada bb nti, berubah jd seorang yg mulia n suci hati budi.hehehe

so what's ur opinion? to good to be real?? biar btol nad pkai template ni?? ala2 ayu gtukan.. xpela.. after delivery pon nti this blog might full with my baby nye update sj.. so biarla ala2 suci gtu nok!!

actually quit excited today..coz esok lastday working and pastu cuti agak panjang sempena hari buruh 1th mei kan.. emm.. aku blom nak cuti bersalin lagi kwn2.. sbr ade lg 3 mgu lebih kurang plus minus. n tonight pon hubby akan sampai cni. so esok da xboring..hehehe. tomoroow night pon akan ke LCCT jemput my brother in law. departured from Sarawak. then straight to hometown..

cuti pon xcuti sgt..nak p melawat org bsalin, nak g kenduri kawin sdare mare, nak kemas bilik kat kmpung. port utk aku bpantang nti.. 2 ajela kot..

so korang..komen skit template br ni.. menjiwai tak kehidupan seorang bakal ibu.hehehehe.. looking forward!!


ur comment is highly appreciate..

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